Are Mr. Brainwash and Banksy the same person? HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEA ALERT!

Are Banksy and MBW the same guy? Photo evidence.


  • Spout
  • MBW and Banksy

While browsing a blog post trolling for ideas for team Halloween Costume ideas for my 2-year-old son I came upon this posting on the SpoutBlog concerning the “stars” of Exit Through the Gift Shop.

Unlike the Joaquin Phoenix movie, the Banksy doc is still a mystery as far was what’s real and what’s made up. Is Thierra Guetta, aka Mr. Brainwash, aka “MBW,” really just an alias of Banksy? We may never know. But you can address the question in masquerade form by dressing up as a combination of the two “characters.” All you need is some facial hair (sideburns and mustache, real or fake), a pork pie hat and a retro polyester shirt. That’s the MBW part. Then, over that you wear a black hoodie, obscuring most of your face. It’s your choice if you want the underneath costume to ever be revealed to people, but in that case the gag is only appreciated by you alone.

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